Are Mice And Rats A Problem In Your Home or Business?
Don’t let your home or business go to the mice. At Lake Country Pest Control our rodent control program is designed to get rid of mice, rats and other rodents by strategically targeting any immigrating pests quickly and efficiently. Rodents include the House Mouse, Norway Rat and Roof Rat.
Protect Your Family home or business with Effective Rodent Control

Packrat entry point located in crawlspace
Our program begins with a thorough inspection for droppings and other signs of mice and rats. Based on our assessment of your property we’ll install rodent control devices such as:
- -bait stations
- -multiple catch traps
- -single catch traps
Once we’ve eliminated existing rodent infestations, we’ll also work with you to implement measures that discourage and prevent future rodent problems in and around your home including sealing rodent entry points and removing food, water and harborage. Pest Entry Point Exclusion.
A regular rodent monitoring programme can be included in an Residential Service Programme or Business Service Programme.
- BEFORE – whats under here?
- Large mouse nest
- Mice, highlighted!
Call Lake Country Pest Control now at 250 808 3552 or contact Lake Country Pest Control by email